Building Your Counseling Practice with SEO for Counselors

What if your lead generation could happen on auto-pilot? That’s the goal of SEO for counselors! SEO is an organic marketing strategy that utilizes techniques to drive qualified traffic to your website. It’s something all businesses can implement and is greatly beneficial for counselors.

In this guide, I’ll share why counselors need an SEO strategy, common SEO mistakes to avoid, tips to get more leads, how to perform keyword research, and content ideas to steal. After reading, you’ll have everything you need to grow your counseling business!

Counselors SEO Goals

I believe all businesses need an SEO strategy. The primary SEO for counselors goal is to increase the number of visitors to their website. And not just anyone but people specifically interested in your counseling services. Using targeted keywords attracts qualified leads to your website, leading to a higher conversion rate. 

The point is to drive as much traffic as you can to your website. Not all these people will turn into customers, but the more leads you have, the more you’ll convert. It’s just basic statistics! Every counselor should have a lead funnel, starting with search engine optimization.

Why Do Counselors Need SEO?

SEO helps counselors improve their visibility online. When potential clients search for counseling services or related topics, counselors with optimized websites are more likely to appear at the top of search engine results, leading to more qualified website traffic.

Counselors have a ton of competition. SEO helps counselors ensure their websites rank higher than their competitors in search results, which is crucial for attracting clients in a saturated market. If you have a specialty, you can use targeted keywords to attract those clients looking for those types of counseling services.

Many individuals seeking counseling services prefer to work with counselors who are located nearby. Local SEO techniques can help counselors attract clients in their local area.

Common SEO Mistakes

Let’s discuss some common SEO mistakes counselors make. By avoiding these, you can outrank your competition and earn new clients!

Underestimating SEO

I often see counselors underestimate the power of SEO. You’re focused on helping your clients, which is amazing, but you also need to consider the importance of attracting new clients. What happens when people decide they’re done with counseling? You’re left without any new clients. An SEO strategy will keep people coming to your website and inquiring about your services. Once you have a few strategies in place (we’ll get to that in a minute!), you have the potential to earn new leads 24/7. 

Not Having a Google My Business Profile

As I mentioned, many counseling clients prefer face-to-face appointments, which means local SEO strategies are crucial for your industry. A Google My Business (GMB) profile helps you appear in local search results. When people search for counselors in their area, Google My Business listings are often among the first search results. They appear as the right-hand sidebar in a search, as shown below. 

Keyword Research for Counselors

A GMB listing displays information about your business, such as:

  • Contact information
  • Business description
  • Customer reviews
  • Photos
  • Maps for local offices
  • Social media profiles

This makes it easy for someone to learn about your business and contact you. It’s also great for learning more about the audience you’re currently attracting. GMB provides insights into how clients find your business, where they’re located, and what actions they take. These analytics can help you refine your SEO for counselors strategy.

Keyword Stuffing

Since counselors rely on local SEO, I notice counselors keyword stuffing, which is a big no-no. Keyword stuffing is the concept of putting as many keywords as possible into website copy. This strategy actually hurts your SEO ranking because search engines see it as spammy. Instead, incorporate keywords naturally throughout your copy. Of course, target local keywords, but don’t overdo it.

Tips to Increase Leads as a Counselor

Are you ready to learn how to earn new leads 24/7? These tips will help you utilize SEO strategies to attract clients on auto-pilot.

Incorporate Local Keywords

Within your website copy, incorporate local keywords. For example, instead of saying, ‘counseling services’, say, ‘counseling services in (city)’. Not only is it more specific (and therefore has less competition), but you’re targeting a specific location. You won’t show up in search results across the country when you use local keywords.

P.S. Even if you offer virtual counseling services and can serve clients nationwide, I still recommend targeting local keywords. You’ll improve local business and have a better chance of ranking for those terms.

Provide Valuable Content

A strong content strategy is crucial for counseling centers. A lot of people do extensive research to find the right counselor for them. If you can answer their questions and provide value before they even reach out to you, you’re establishing yourself as an expert in your industry and a thought leader. You’ll be the first counselor that comes to mind when they’re ready to make an appointment if you can prove you’re qualified to help them. 

Tips to Increase Leads as a Counselor

Keyword Research for Counselors

Lucky for you, you can be really specific with your keywords because you potentially have multiple areas of specialization. The more specific you can be, the better traffic you’ll earn. You’re telling Google and the users who you serve. 

Before starting keyword research, think about your specializations and the people searching for your services. Do you specialize in…

  • Marriage counseling
  • Mental health disorders
  • Relationships
  • Kids/teens
  • Career 
  • Substance abuse
  • Finances
  • Grief

… or a combination of those? Do you have specific training or certifications you utilize in your sessions? Do you bring in religion? 

There are millions of combinations, and each counselor is unique. Consider how you can describe what you do and who you serve. I recommend using SEO tools to research and analyze your keywords. Tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Moz, Ahrefs, or Ubersuggest provide data on search volume, competition, and related keywords. It will help you determine which keywords are the best to target to get the right people on your website.

When picking keywords, I think counselors should use mostly long-tail keywords with a couple of short-tail keywords mixed in. Long-tail keywords have less competition and are easier to rank for, but short-tail keywords have more people searching for those terms.

Here are a few examples of long-tail keywords you can consider using:

  • Marriage counseling services in (city)
  • Grief counseling for parents who lost a child
  • Eating disorder counseling for teens
  • Career counseling for women in (city)
  • Anxiety counseling (city)
  • Counseling for depression in (city)

Did you notice how specific those keywords are? There’s no chance someone would accidentally end up on your website. They know exactly what they’re looking for and are confident you can help them.

Content Ideas for Counselors

Now that you know how to research keywords, let’s talk through some content ideas for counselors. As you know by now, new and valuable content is essential to driving more traffic to your website. I came up with some content ideas to hopefully inspire some amazing content from you!

  • Explanation of different counseling approaches
  • Tips to manage mental health disorders (depression, anxiety, stress, PTSD, etc.)
  • Guidance on navigating relationships
  • Understanding mental health disorders
  • Parenting tips
  • Coping with grief and loss
  • Practicing mindfulness
  • Navigating life transitions
  • Confidence tips
  • What counseling is like

I love to find content ideas from keyword research. See what keywords are high in volume and low in competition. Those are gold! I also find content ideas from Google. In the ‘people also ask’ section, see if you can write a blog post to answer one or more of those questions. It’s likely to perform well because you know people are looking for those answers!

Why Do Counselors Need SEO


What are backlinks?

Backlinks are links from other websites that direct traffic to your website. They’re super important to improve your SEO ranking. It’s showing Google other people think your website is valuable. To build backlinks:

  • Create high-quality, shareable content that other people will want to link to.
  • Guest post on reputable websites in the mental health or counseling field and include a link back to your website in your author bio or within the content.
  • Participate in online forums, discussions, and social media groups related to counseling and mental health, and share your expertise while including links to your website when appropriate.

How long does it take to see results from SEO efforts?

SEO for counselors is a long-term strategy, and it can take several months to start seeing significant results. The timeline for seeing results depends on the competitiveness of your niche, the quality of your SEO efforts, and the authority of your website. Be patient and consistent with your SEO efforts – it will pay off!

How often should I post content for SEO purposes?

Regularly updating your website’s content can signal to search engines that your site is active and relevant. Aim to publish new content, such as blog posts, podcasts, or updated service pages at least once a month, but ideally every week. Try to maintain a content schedule that keeps your website fresh and engaging for visitors.

That was a ton of information about SEO for counselors! I hope you walk away with some actionable steps you can work on today. If you need help creating an SEO strategy customized to your counseling business, send me a message. I would love to work with you on driving qualified traffic to your website!

About Âme Creatives

I’m a Showit Web Designer and SEO expert who specializes in crafting websites and branding for you: the successful female entrepreneur who is crushing business goals… but doesn’t have the branding or website to match. I’m an expert at being able to create a beautiful brand that fully represents YOU. Ready to work together? Send me a message!

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