SEO for Realtors: Boosting Visibility and Leads in a Competitive Market

We all know real estate is an incredibly competitive market. It seems everyone knows a realtor, and it can be difficult for realtors to find new leads. SEO can solve that problem for you. An effective SEO for realtors strategy can boost your visibility and increase your leads, even in the competitive market.

In this guide, I’ll share why realtors need an SEO strategy, common SEO mistakes to avoid, tips to get more leads, how to perform keyword research and content ideas. After reading, you’ll have everything you need to grow your real estate business!

Realtor SEO Goals

Any business’s goal for SEO is to drive more traffic to your website. SEO helps you find traffic from the right sources, AKA people who are actually interested in your services. People planning to buy or sell their homes turn to search engines to find services and information. You can be a source of guidance and value for these people. Even if it doesn’t work out for you to work with them, it may lead to a future referral. You never know what could happen!

The point is to drive as much traffic to your website as possible. Not all these people will turn into customers, but the more leads you have, the more you’ll convert. It’s just basic statistics! Every realtor should have a lead funnel, starting with search engine optimization.

Why Do Realtors Need an SEO Strategy?

I believe all business owners need an SEO strategy, but realtors can especially benefit from one. Real estate is a highly competitive market, so having a strong online presence is crucial. SEO allows realtors to stand out from competitors and capture the attention of prospective clients.

It also helps realtors improve their online visibility, making it easier for potential clients to find their services when searching for real estate-related information. By optimizing for relevant keywords, you can attract targeted traffic to your website. SEO is a long-term marketing strategy. Once you establish a strong online presence, it can provide a sustainable source of leads and clients.

SEO is an important aspect of real estate marketing. It helps realtors stay competitive and enables them to connect with their target audience, build trust, and showcase their expertise in the industry.

Common SEO Mistakes

Let’s talk about some common SEO mistakes realtors make. Try your best to avoid these when you start to plan and implement your SEO strategy.

Not Having a Google My Business Profile

A Google My Business (GMB) profile helps you appear in local search results. When people search for realtors in their area, Google My Business listings are often among the first search results. They appear as the right-hand sidebar in a search. This visibility is essential for attracting local clients. 

Why Do Realtors Need an SEO Strategy

A GMB prominently displays your contact information, business description, customer reviews, photos, and maps for local offices. This makes it easy for someone to learn about your business and contact you; they don’t need to do much research to find what they need because it’s all on your profile.

It’s also great for learning more about the audience you’re currently reaching. GMB provides insights into how clients find your business, where they’re located, and what actions they take. These analytics can help you refine your SEO and marketing strategies.

Low-Quality Content

Having low-quality or duplicate content across property listings or blog posts can hurt SEO. Each listing or page should offer unique and valuable information to both users and search engines.

Along with that, some real estate websites lack locally focused content. Creating content that highlights local events, amenities, and real estate market trends can improve local SEO for realtors.

Ignoring Online Reviews

As you know, real estate is a competitive industry, and many clients come from word of mouth. Online reviews are just as important. Consumers do a ton of research before ever contacting you. They want to read what it’s like to work with you from someone who has before. 

Failing to actively manage and encourage online reviews can impact your online reputation. Positive reviews can contribute to better search rankings and more high-quality leads. 

Tips to Get More Leads as a Realtor

Real estate is a unique industry because you can’t rely on repeat business. Once you help a client buy or sell a home, they might not book you again for another decade or longer! It’s crucial to generate new leads as a realtor. Here are some ways you can do that.

Optimize Property Listings

It’s likely a new client may find you from your property listing. They’ll search for a home they’re interested in and see you as the selling agent. Ensure that each property listing on your website is well-optimized with descriptive titles, detailed descriptions, and high-quality images. That way, people will find exactly what they need and potentially reach out to you for help.

Maintain an Active Social Media Presence

Share your property listings and local market insights, and engage with your audience. You’ll stay top of mind for your past clients (and possibly earn some referrals) and also improve your chances of getting in front of new clients.

Strategic Link Building

A backlink strategy can greatly increase the number of new leads you receive. Collaborate with local businesses, participate in community events, and contribute guest posts to reputable websites. The more you put yourself out there, the more likely you are to attract new leads. The ideas I listed allow you to showcase your expertise and increase awareness of your services in your community.

tips for seo for realtors

Keyword Research for Realtors

Before starting keyword research, you need to understand your audience. Do you specialize in a certain type of housing, a price point, or something else? Knowing your niche will help you identify relevant keywords.

Next, think about more specific keywords you’d like to rank for. The more specific you are, the better. These keywords can be less competitive and easier to rank for. It could include:

  • Location-Specific Keywords: [City] real estate or [Neighborhood] homes for sale
  • Property Type Keywords: Single-family homes for sale
  • Buyer and Seller Keywords: First-time homebuyer tips or How to buy a house in [City]
  • Real Estate Services Keywords: Property management [City] or [City] real estate agent
  • Educational Keywords: Real estate market trends or Home buying process explained
  • Local Amenities Keywords: Schools in [Neighborhood] or [City] public transportation
  • Home Improvement Keywords: DIY home improvement projects or Boosting curb appeal [City]
  • Market Insights Keywords: [City] real estate market report or Housing market predictions [Year]
  • Legal and Process Keywords: Real estate contract explained or Understanding closing costs

Did you notice how several of these keywords include locations? Local SEO for realtors is critical. You don’t want to appear in search results for a city or state you aren’t licensed to do real estate. Adapt these keywords or any you find in your keyword research based on your specific location, services, and target audience. 

I also recommend using SEO tools to research and analyze your keywords. Tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Moz, Ahrefs, or Ubersuggest provide data on search volume, competition, and related keywords. It will help you identify keywords that are performing well and can inspire new content ideas for you.

Content Ideas for Realtors

I know coming up with content ideas can cause realtors to not create content at all. But content is super important to improve your SEO. So, I came up with some content ideas to get you started! Consider these topics:

  • Local Market Insights: Provide updates and analysis on current real estate market trends in your area. Discuss factors affecting property values, upcoming developments, and neighborhood highlights.
  • Home Buying/Selling Guides: Create comprehensive guides for potential buyers and sellers, covering everything from preparing a home for sale to navigating the homebuying process.
  • Community Spotlights: Showcase different neighborhoods in your area, highlighting their unique features, amenities, and lifestyle. This can help potential buyers get a feel for the community they might be moving into.
  • Home Improvement Tips: Offer advice on home improvement projects that can add value to a property. Consider writing about budget-friendly upgrades, energy-efficient improvements, or tips for enhancing curb appeal.
  • Mortgage and Financing Explainers: Break down complex mortgage and financing concepts into easy-to-understand articles.
  • Seasonal Home Maintenance Checklists: Create seasonal checklists for homeowners to help them maintain their properties. Talk about tasks like preparing for winter, spring cleaning, and getting the garden ready for summer.
  • Navigating the Closing Process: Break down the closing process step by step, explaining what buyers and sellers can expect. Include tips for a smooth closing experience.
  • Legal Q&A: Address common legal questions related to real estate transactions. Cover topics like contracts, disclosures, and potential legal pitfalls.
  • Home Décor and Staging Tips: Offer advice on how to stage a home for sale and provide inspiration for interior décor. Highlight cost-effective ways to enhance a property’s visual appeal.

how realtors do seo

SEO for Realtors FAQs

How can I improve the search engine ranking of my real estate website?

Focus on optimizing your website’s on-page SEO elements, create high-quality and relevant content (from the topic ideas above!), and build authoritative backlinks.

Should I invest in paid advertising (PPC) or focus on organic SEO for my real estate business?

A balanced approach is the most effective. Organic SEO builds long-term credibility, while PPC can provide immediate visibility. Combining both can maximize your online presence.

How can I optimize my property listings for better visibility in search results?

Use descriptive and compelling titles, include high-quality images, provide detailed property descriptions, and utilize relevant keywords.

What role do local SEO strategies play in real estate marketing?

Local SEO is crucial for real estate. Optimize your Google My Business profile, ensure accurate business information, and encourage positive reviews. Local citations and location-specific keywords are also essential.

There you have it! I hope this guide to SEO for realtors helps your business thrive on Google. If you have any questions or want to work with me to improve your SEO ranking, book a call with me!

About Âme Creatives

I’m a Showit Web Designer and SEO expert who specializes in crafting websites and branding for you: the successful female entrepreneur who is crushing business goals… but doesn’t have the branding or website to match. I’m an expert at being able to create a beautiful brand that fully represents YOU. Ready to work together? Send me a message!

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